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  1. Hi Anne,

    I just finished reading Etta and Otto and Russell and James and thought I would see what you thought of it, but alas it appears you haven’t read/reviewed it yet. How can that be? Or perhaps I just missed it.

    I know I know you’ve been busy traveling (in grand style!) and with your sweet baby (did she travel with you?).

    I trust all is well in your world, it would be nice to catch up and see you and Ava sometime.



    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Hi Lois, thanks so much for keeping up with my blog! I haven’t read Etta and Otto and Russell and James yet, but I’ve heard about it from a few people now, so I want to read it! Ava definitely did travel with us, and I’d love to catch up sometime too. Shoot me an email when you’re free!


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