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  1. “…a work of literary fiction that has nowhere to go quickly.” What do you mean it had nowhere to go? That sounds like it was a repetitive novel, which isn’t something I would enjoy.

    1. Oh I meant it in a good way. The writing meanders, but so does life on a farm. Everything moves slowly but steadily in this novel.

  2. Sounds intriguing, but an odd mix of styles and genres from the sound of it. What’s even more intriguing is the teddy bee in the picture! Is it a bear in fancy dress? Or is it a bee who has had radical but not yet complete cosmetic surgery in order to identify as a bear? Or is it the result of an experiment in teleportation that went horribly wrong at the rematerialisation point? ;)

    1. haha I know right? Mixed signals. My kids brought one home after visiting a bee farm with their grandparents. They call them ‘bee bears’ :)

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