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  1. me too! I think with the opioid crisis, we are hopefully moving towards a broader understanding of addiction…

  2. I have a close family member who is an addict, and even though it’s an awful thing, it has also helped me understand things I might not have otherwise. It’s also helped me to not be so quick to judge others – it can happen to anyone.
    Great review!

  3. That’s a tough situation Naomi, but you’re right in that it completely changes our viewpoint of addicts. If only people tried to be more understanding, I think we could do alot to get rid of the stigma…

  4. I had a hard time with this book: too much “ashes” and not enough “from the”. He just writes about one occurance after another with no self-reflection. He never talks about being lonely or angry or what made him change. Maybe I’m prejudiced because I’ve been through all this already with my daughter and she has a PhD now. Addiction stories are hard to read for people who have lived through having a loved one with addiction so maybe that’s why I didn’t like it. Maybe addicts have no capacity for self-reflection?

  5. I know what you mean-I was hoping for more stories about him sober, but maybe he still needs time to reflect on that part of his journey. Perhaps a sequel is coming?

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