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  1. I’m not a writer (although I write pretty much every day) and I don’t consider myself a book reviewer (because nobody pays me to do it) so I don’t know what to call myself! “Hi! I’m FF! I eat chocolate!” just doesn’t have that professional ring to it, does it? And now I think of it, nobody pays me to do that either. All these skills, wasted! ;)

    1. ok but these skills are highly revered in the blog world no? I think you can definitely call yourself a book reviewer, considering all the publishers that you send you free stuff. At the very least, you are a ‘literary influencer’ :)

    1. we just need to feel more comfortable marketing ourselves in general-it’s never easy but we will reap the rewards!

  2. Thank for the shout out! I just got to this post because lately I’ve been a stage manager (there, I said the title). I still write with my friend Charles. He moved to a new state, so now we use Google Hangouts to talk on Saturdays. I haven’t written about our writing time because of the play, but it’s still happening! Talking to another writer helps you confirm to yourself that you are a writer, and you get excited about writing. Don’t let writing become like flossing.

    1. I think the hardest thing I would ever attempt would be quitting chocolate…but obviously I would never do that! I mean, I don’t smoke, so I have to have a vice right?

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