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  1. Hey! The focus was better this time. It was just the tiniest bit off, so if you can get your husband to sit where you sit and then you focus the camera and then leave it like that for the next time you record, you’ll have it just perfect. But definitely much better! I do like the sounds of this story, and I’m glad that they included it something from the past. I’m not sure how old the other writers are, but I get really tired of every short story being by someone under 30, because then all the stories reflect the experiences of that age group.

    1. Yes! Totally agreed. There’s a bunch of young people writing short stories which is great, but I do like to hear from different people!

  2. December 6, The Glamour of the Snow: Other than the word “flappers”, the story has a somewhat timeless quality. I had a hard time figuring out what Hibbert did for a living, i.e., the post office, a writer, but perhaps he worked at the hotel in season. It was a bit on the long side, ergo the chapters within a short story, but I felt the imagery of snow brought to life was magical (and, okay, yes, perhaps a little creepy–the climb up the hill was particularly chilling).

  3. Goodness, I wasn’t expecting Algernon Blackwood to turn up in the anthology! I know it’s not your thing, but he’s a major figure in horror writing and I think it’s safe to say you may just have ahd your first experience of “weird” fiction! I haven’t read this one, so I can’t be sure of that, but all the puny-man-at-the-mercy-of-forces-greater-than-he-is stuff makes it sound “weird”. If you liked his style, I thoroughly recommend his story The Willows – a true classic! Ooh, I’m sorry, I’m over-excited – none of my bloggy pals ever read horror!! 😂

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