2018 Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 7
So kind of a weird story today. In fact, it’s not even really a story, but I felt like I had somewhat insightful comments on it nonetheless.
While on vacation I indulged by reading my favourite author of all time, David Sedaris. I picked up this quirky little collection of animal-themed stories Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk at the Calgary Reads book sale a few months ago, and because this is a departure from his typical books of essays, I was excited to read…
Whoa, where does the time go? Turns out I didn’t get my tooth pulled today, but my excuse for not posting yesterday is still legit, I was indeed filming a few television segments! More on that later, but in the meantime, enjoy these videos, where the last one includes my kid hacking in the background……
Today’s story is called “One Gram Short” by Etgar Keret, translated by Nathan Englander. It’s my favourite one yet!
Who’s getting excited for Christmas??? I sure am! I’ve got another Christmas tree in the background for ya! And because it’s basically Christmas now, I ate a chocolate right before I filmed this video. And…right after. Merry Christmas Eve, let’s talk tomorrow for my final advent calendar video!
Alexander MacLeod and his father, celebrated canlit icon Alistair MacLeod are two writers I’ve always felt I should read more of – this is partly due to the wonderful book reviews of Alistair’s writing that can be found on the fabulous book blogs Consumed by Ink and Buried in Print, two book reviewers I follow…
Well my Wordfest 2017 experience was WAY better than my Wordfest 2016 experience which was basically non-existent due to the fact that I contracted hand foot and mouth during last year’s festival (the joys of having young children in daycare never end!). But I was relatively healthy this year, which allowed me to take in…
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The circle of neglect! I’m dyin’! 😂
I believe my husband deserves the credit for that one
December 7, A Qualitative Study of Our Father: Shades of my BSc in Psychology and current work as an academic editor. A well thought out experiment and an interesting way of children dealing with potential abuse (the abstract was quite telling). So many short stories with footnotes (I did like the inclusion of the Appendix, though)! I will never look at fly swatting the same way again.
haha me too!
Sounds… hmm, I’m trying so hard to find a polite synonym for awful… But I do love the idea of the Circle of Neglect!! 😂
hahah yes it’s got a particular ring to it, doesn’t it?