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  1. While English is the only language in which I am fluent, errors in translation can stand out glaringly. Last night I read in a book translated from Swedish that a woman removed her outer clothes. What the heck? Then I realized he meant her coat or jacket. What the heck.

    I’d always thought noir was more like a dark, gritty, hard-boiled detective novel, like The Maltese Falcon or The Third Man. I didn’t realize it was characterized by more sex.

  2. Well I suppose that’s just Wikipedia’s interpretation of noir haha but I always pictured ‘sexy ladies’ as part of noir.

    And yes, outer clothes…what the heck indeed

  3. I can take some noir but sometimes it’s just too bleak for me – you know I like a little ray of sunshine in my reading! And although I know the sexy woman stuff is part of noir, it still bugs me. We need female noir writers to fantasise about what’s hidden beneath male characters’ clothes… ugh! No, on second thoughts, skip that idea…! ;)

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