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  1. Another video to check out is Andrew’s lecture on satire in the digital age:

    It examines why it is important for satirists to poke fun at those who set themselves up as moral arbitrators in any age, not just the one we are living in. He also eloquently discusses the importance of free speech, and why it is critical for progressive movements such as the gay rights movement of the 1960s, centrist and conservative arguments equally.

  2. There’s a young woman at work who could be the living embodiment of Titania McGrath. Young, white, entitled and privileged, fresh out of university (not that an undergraduate degree impresses me these days). She’s always going around telling people what they cannot say, complains of being ‘visibly shaken’ by the things people say, because she doesn’t listen, doesn’t understand, and has no empathy. She recently accused me of homophobia. This would have been funny if it wasn’t a serious complaint. The reason? I’m gay. Her failure to listen and her utterly blinkered view of people and society, combined with her ‘I know best’ attitude warps everything. In this case, I was discussing my very real experience of prejudice and discrimination, during the early days on HIV and AIDS. People would lose their jobs, not just because of a positive HIV result, but just because they were gay. People at work would say ‘what does GAY stand for? Got AIDS Yet’ or ‘queers should be gassed/put up against the wall and shot’. Somehow it would seem in her mind this translates into, he said it, so he must agree with it. If you don’t learn from history, you’re bound to repeat it.

  3. Well I’m sorry you’ve had to put with this person at your office. Listening and learning seems to be a skill few and far between these days.

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