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  1. It’s weird how it sounds like the sister is being creepy when she’s jealous of other girls, but I know from experience that if your brother becomes your best friend, anyone who takes away his time feels like an interloper, especially if the women is a twit.

  2. and there are definintely alot of twits in the book. It’s funny, she wasn’t overhwlemingly creepy as a sister just…her life was so small in alot of ways, so it was hard for her to focus on other things. I can relate to that…not always seeing the bigger picture, ya know?

  3. How did I miss this review? She’s one of my favourite writers; I keep meaning to look into her kids’ books too.

  4. She’s one of my favourite writers too. I think she flies under the radar, I wish her books got more attention in general.

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