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  1. Well I got Ridgerunner!!! I read it already but I’ll have to read it a second time (which I really hate doing) to properly form my defense

  2. I think you and Naomi and I have all published our reviews of this on nearly the same day…we should coordinate next time and get CanLit to go virall. LOL This is such a consistent and inviting collection; I think it deserves a wide readership and I’m so happy to see short stories getting more love on this year’s Giller list. Even though I’ve not been following Canada Reads as closely in recent years, this seems like it would make an ideal book for that kind of roundtable discussion/presentation. Mani-Pedi and Randy Travis are among my favourites here, too. But the title story is just so satisfying (even though it does have a sad side, as you’ve said).

  3. Every story was satisfying in its own way I think, and like you, I’m so glad (relieved!) that it’s made it on the shortlist. Well deserved indeed.

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