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  1. I can’t get my head round the idea of Christmas in summer – it feels so wrong! Mind you, given how often I’ve had to drive through snow and fog and ice to pick up family members on the big day, maybe some warmth and sunshine would be a nice change!

    1. it does seem so strange to celebrate Christmas in a heat wave, but I suppose if this is all you know, it works! I wouldn’t mind sitting by the pool with a pina colada for Christmas anyway….

  2. I’ve read the first two Benjamin Stevensons and thoroughly enjoyed them. I have this one on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to it.

  3. One of the Aussie bloggers recommended this author to me, but I thought his worked sounded too cutesy. Maybe I’ll give him a try! I’ve gotten used to the summer Christmas thing thanks to knowing some of the Australian bloggers for a decade now and seeing sweaty Christmas pics and hearing about the mosquitoes ruining the holiday festivities.

    1. Man, for some reason the idea of mosquitoes at Christmas just seems so wild to me, I can’t even imagine! His books are definitely funny, although I wouldn’t call them cutesy. You may enjoy how much he pokes fun at writers, I know I do :)

  4. This sounds like a tonne of fun. And I completely agree that it’s impossible to truly understand how it can be Christmas in high summer on the other side of the world. I mean, I do KNOW it’s a Thing, but I still don’t believe it.

    1. exactly. Like I know they celebrate Christmas in the heat, but my brain refuses to let this information sink in!

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