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  1. I went the audiobook route and loved the narrator’s many accents, except for the American accent (way too nasal). I enjoyed the social and race commentary, though I see how a white American reader could be put on guard by some of the remarks. As a Canadian child of South Asian immigrants, I could relate to Ifem’s immigrant experience. The “they just don’t get it” sentiment is one I’ve experienced with even very close white friends. I live in the US now, and race is definitely a much bigger issue here than it is in Canada. (Actually, everything is bigger here. All big productions from race to sexual orientation to guns to drugs to…, etc.)

  2. I agree that everything is bigger in the US, I visit it quite frequently and I know exactly what you mean! Thank you for visiting my blog and posting your comments, I always enjoy hearing how others responded to the same book.

  3. Great review! Adichie has one of the most viewed TED talks in history, so I was planning to read one of her books eventually

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