Wanted: Book Covers from the ’70s
I came across this juicy little tidbit while scanning book news from the past few weeks, and I thought you would find this interesting as well. And don’t worry, if you have no idea who Lena Dunham or Chip Kidd is, that really has no bearing on what I found interesting about this article anyway.
Does this book cover not look like it came straight from your parent’s bookshelf? I know I did a double take when I looked at this image-Kidd is completely right, this cover looks extremely outdated. In fact, it looks a lot like the yellowing copy of the Joy of Cooking that has sat at my family’s cottage for over four decades now.

Does Lena Dunham think she’s being ironic by using an outdated type on her book? Is this another case of hipster nonsense? Or perhaps this what people in New York think is cool these days? Well, I’d agree with Chip Kidd on this one-out with the old and in with the new!