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  1. Looks like a fabulous event! Between the Pages is in Halifax this week, but it looks like I can’t make it. Thursday nights are full of Scouts, dance, and piano lessons. And someone needs to be the driver (my husband is a scout leader, so he’s already tied up). Oh well… maybe next year. Besides, there’s you-tube!

    Looking forward to hearing what you think about the short story calendar!

  2. haha oh god I don’t know her at all, we met for all of five minutes. You’re probably thinking of the picture I posted on twitter :)

    Ummm I miss being in the ‘action’, and having all the authors chase after me because I always had the answers. But honestly it was also a giant pain in the ass most times, so I’m thankful I don’t have to deal with all the bs anymore, I can just enjoy it LOL

  3. gosh you’re busy! I guess that’s my future once my daughter is in school-our work as mothers never ends it seems like

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