Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 8

Highlights? I’ve changed the ‘angle’ of my video today, and both Smokey and Pearl make an appearance. It’s pretty obvious Pearl isn’t happy about her cameo; the expression on her face is a dead giveaway of this. Seems as though Smokey is more showbiz ready these days. Oh yah, I also hated this short story, they can’t all be winners.
As always, please give me your feedback, I know I have a long road of improvement ahead of me and every little bit of advice helps!
I don’t really have any constructive criticism – sorry! I like the way you do them because they seem so natural, like you’re just chatting. And I like the cats’ appearances, of course. And I realllllly like that they’re short! (That might sound a bit rude, but I avoid book videos in general because it seems to take 15 mins to say what I could read in a minute or two in a written review. Truthfully I prefer written reviews, generally speaking – I can skim bits if for example I already know the blurb etc. So I’m probably not the right audience… :) )
oh that’s not rude, I TOTALLY agree. That’s why I don’t follow a bunch of booktubers, because I don’t have hours and hours to watch videos of rambling. The short ones are the best ones :)
Hi Anne – I hear you. It did seem drawn out a bit. There’s was some quirky humour between Eddie and Gus which did make me laugh. But the world of expendable labour from faceless corporations and general naval gazing humour is well worn – Seinfeld and Clerks still resonates 20 years later because it was funny before its time and hit all the marks still. Oh well…onto Day 9. Catch you in the Twittersphere!
agreed!!! See you on twitter :)
I’ve never heard of Jim Gavin… I’m so tired of stories by dudes about dudes whining about how hard it is to be a dude in what sounds like 90s cynicism but really rings crybaby in 2017. There’s a whole small press wha-wha group who writes such crap. Clerks the movie was so great because Randall accepted his job and that searching for more was fruitless because he could do whatever he wanted: hang with Dante, watch porn, and insult customers.
hahah agreed, dudes whining in general is pretty grating these days don’t you think? LOL
Well the short story may have been drab but YOU were funny! Enjoyed the review Anne.
Ha! Thanks Glenna.