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  1. I’ve got this one on hold at the library, but I’m kinda far down on the list so when knows when I’ll get it? Sounds like one I think I’ll enjoy. His previous book, Magpie Murders, had a sort of “meta” thing going on too.

    Love the picture of Pearl and Smokey, by the way.

  2. When I was in my MFA program, we were told the #1 sin is to write about writing! I think what they meant was don’t write a character who is struggling with a novel, working shitty jobs to make ends meet, and/or in an MFA program. Truth is, I do love books about writing because when it’s cleverly done, there are great inside jokes and moments with which I empathize.

    1. Me too! I love reading fiction books about writers, the process, publishing, etc.

    2. I’m with you guys on this, and I think it just proves the point about MFA programs, that there is always an argument for the opposite “rule”. This isn’t the one of his that I had marked on my TBR but it sounds every bit as good to me. (Aw, the picture. :))

  3. Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m glad I didn’t put you off! Usually I love his writing but unlike you and Melanie, I really can’t be bothered with writers writing about writing, or writing about themselves! You’ll be glad to know apparently there’s going to be a whole series of these… :D

  4. I really enjoyed The Magpie Murders and just picked this one up but I wondered if it was as good. Sounds like I should definitely give it a go soon.

    Unrelated but how are you able to post such regular content with TWO small children!?!?!

    1. haha I watch very little television-like maybe an hour a week or so. And I try to schedule their nap times to coincide so I always have a bit of time to myself each day :)

    2. Ah, there it is, I love TV almost as much as I love reading. The pull is so much stronger these days. It’s so much easier to sit and exist while being entertained than try and focus properly on a book and then reviewing. I feel my brain stirring though so maybe my TV viewing days are numbered (probably not, I seriously love TV).

    3. oh god ya I watched a ton of tv with my first, I know exactly how you feel. We moved into a new house in November, and we haven’t mounted our television yet so that’s also contributed to my non-watching!

  5. I also liked this one! There’s a second book on the series, I think it’s called The Sentence is Death. I really liked Horowitz’s book Moriarty too.

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