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  1. I read about that story-hilarious! I can’t believe he picks up so much trash, he’s a very busy man indeed.

  2. I’ve read some of his earlier stuff and loved it. Me Talk Pretty One Day is AWESOME. I saw him read and speak a long time ago – maybe 12 year ago, I don’t remember! – and he was hysterical. I haven’t read him in a while, though – I should do so again.

  3. Love his way of expressing himself in his books and articles. The one essay I’ll never forget and if you havent read it, you can read now for free is about his experience with the FitBit. If you Google his name and the word Fitbit yoully find it, a New Yorker article and one of his most hilarious.

  4. yes! I think that story is included in this latest collection, he’s such a genius.

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