2018 Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 3
Today’s chocolate is delicious…short story, not so much.
I’ll admit to reading this book mainly because of the cover. How cute is that little picture? If blasting off into space in a little rocket with some happy babies and a tiny puppy doesn’t pique your interest about what’s inside this ahort story anthology I don’t know what will. Second to the cover was…
I’ve always been a fan of short story collections, especially because they are the ‘hidden gems’ of the literary world; not many them are published because they don’t typically sell very well. But it is my expert humble opinion that readers of all kinds should read short stories, so I’m always happy to profile them…
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!!
How to Pronounce Knife by Souvankham Thammavongsa most recently appeared on the Scotiabank Giller Prize longlist, and we’ll find out on October 5 if it makes it to the shortlist. Interestingly, it’s a collection of short stories, written by a poet. It’s rare that a collection of short stories appears on an award list like…
Whenever a new adult book or story collection comes out by Caroline Adderson, I always jump at the chance to read it. A Way to be Happy is her latest release, and was longlisted for the Giller Prize earlier this year. Most of her books have come out quietly, and it continually astounds me how…
Happy Halloween everyone! I wanted to dash out this post to you in time for the big night tomorrow to help you get into a spooky mood. I’m back from my European tour, and this was the last book I finished on my travels. There’s a photo of its final resting place (a hotel that…
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Yep, I thought merging mythology with historical fiction was an interesting concept, but it wasn’t for me, either. And I really did not care for the footnotes. I tried to lighten it up by comprising the following Haiku Review:
If Odysseus
Played an elaborate game
Of telephone, right
This one sounds like it wouldn’t do much for me either. I feel woefully ignorant of Greek myths but not terribly interested in reading about them, really. The chocolate sounds yummy!
If you have to add footnotes so people understand your story, you’re doing it wrong. Even someone who doesn’t know the original story should get something from it. If someone’s doing a retelling of a story, they should be adding something to it so that people who are familiar with the original get something more out of it (cool extra layers), but people who don’t know the original still can read the new version.
agreed! I feel bad about saying that, but I hate footnotes in general…
Oh well, at least the chocolate looks yummy! I find all these myths a total bore too, and totally agree footnotes shouldn’t be necessary!
so glad I’m not the only one!
I’d be another reader uninterested in this story. Also not a big fan of mythology. I just could never get into it.
The chocolate sounds yummy!!