Short Story Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 24 and 25
Merry Christmas everyone! Below are my two last videos of SSAC2018, thanks for following along. Keep an eye on my twitter account for a chance to win my copy of the advent calendar!
Merry Christmas everyone! Below are my two last videos of SSAC2018, thanks for following along. Keep an eye on my twitter account for a chance to win my copy of the advent calendar!
I don’t like to post more than one article a day because I know y’all got lots on, so here are the videos from yesterday and today’s advent calendar unveilings!
More Alberta writers to love! That’s really how I should title every book review that I write on an Alberta-born book. People don’t typically see Alberta as the literary hot-spot that it truly is, but I’m hoping to change that by highlighting amazing books by Western writers that don’t get the attention they deserve. Lee…
Smokey hogs the camera, I’m wearing my housecoat, and an important and timely story is included in today’s video.
I’ve always enjoyed stories about ‘regular people, doing regular things’. They hold a certain fascination for me, simply because I can relate to those kinds of characters more than others, my life being pretty uneventful in general. I definitely like a good cozy mystery or thriller every once in a while, but family dramas, introspective…
Some thriller readers may already be familiar with the author C.J. Tudor – she wrote the bestseller The Chalk Man a few years ago and continues to build her audience from that success. A Sliver of Darkness is the first book of hers that I’ve read, and it’s a collection of short stories, all works…
If I had taken science past the required grade 11 in high school, I’m pretty sure I would have failed it. And reading books like this, books that reference physics and other sciency-things of a similar nature remind me of this sad fact. Good thing I stuck to what I knew-English literature. If I had…
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I skipped to the end, and I’m a bit late, but I thought after all your hard work, you deserved a big Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Great Job!! :)
Thanks Naomi!