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  1. Great review. I had dismissed this book but have now put it on my “must-read” list.
    Thanks Anne

    1. Most welcome Colleen! I think you’d find it thought-provoking at the very least, it’s got alot to offer, and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too excited about it when I read the premise but it really surprised me

  2. Just recently I learned that the only reason we think Neanderthals stood hunched over is because the first remains we found was a specimen that had arthritis. Does this mean that humans always stood upright? I have no idea; but I’d love to know more about it.

  3. I know it’s not your kind of thing, but I recently read a book by Tim Flannery about the natural history of Europe (which is what the book was called – Europe) and there was loads in it about Neanderthals and early humans. Apparently everyone of European descent is part-Neanderthal – some more than others, I sometimes suspect… ;)

  4. I have been on the fence about this book since it came out, but you have convinced me that I’d like it. I know I’d like the biological/evolutionary aspect of it (I’m a biology major), but wasn’t sure if she’d be able to pull it off. I have to try to remember to fit it in after all the prize list reading!
    (And, yes, I am really far behind with my blog-hopping.)

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