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  1. A dissenting voice here…it’s not so much that I thought The Testaments was awful, but rather unnecessary. I reread The Handmaid’s Tale before tackling The Testaments, perhaps to the latter’s detriment. The Handmaid’s Tale is a brilliant, disturbing, truly frightening book when you consider how quickly and easily women who were marginally empowered saw that power evaporate at the hands of a totalitarian patriarchal state. I didn’t need an explanation of Aunt Lydia’s decision to enable the state (people — even women — will naturally cleave to whatever power they can). And the Baby Nicole and Agnes Jemima characters were astonishingly one-dimensional, and the plot was completely predictable. I vastly prefer the open-endedness of The Handmaid’s Tale, because who knows where women’s rights are going to end up given how much they’re contested around the world, both openly and insidiously.
    I honestly can’t understand the positive reviews this novel has received, except to chalk it up to living in a culture that values sequels over original work.
    Still love your blog — read Claire Cameron’s The Last Neanderthal after seeing it reviewed and loved it. Thanks for that! :)

    1. I really appreciate your comments, and you’re definitely not alone in this opinion, just one quick browse of goodreads will reveal many people also felt The Testaments was unnecessary, especially compared to the Handmaid’s Tale. Perhaps I would have been a bit harsher on The Testaments if I had read Handmaid’s beforehand too?

  2. Great post! I’m going to check out this video as it sounds really interesting- I had no idea the events were based on similar ones across the world, although the real-life aspect of these two books is all too clear! Check out my review if you fancy reading someone else’s views on this book :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by!!! Yes, crazy how true-to-life these books are. Scary, actually.

  3. I thought of reading this book (The Testaments) but after watching the show I decided not to read further.
    I read the Handmaid’s Tale way back, it was okay. Still not sure about The Testaments.
    Should I go for it?

    1. If you just thought Handmaid’s Tale was ok, you can probably give this one a pass – seek out books that are more your style, life is short :)

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