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  1. I can’t think of another blogger who brought up a secondary plot line about a big cat. It’s so wild how bloggers emphasize different parts of a book. There are two things holding me back from reading this book: 1) the length, and 2) when I think stream-of-conscious, my brain goes right to James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, whose books I find extremely irritating and difficult, if not impossible, to get through. Does Ellmann write like them, or is it more jumpy like a mom who is thinking too many thoughts?

    Yes, Americans do think about guns that much. The shootings happen, but there’s also the simulated training. When your five-year-old kid has to go through an active shooter training drill that involves the police entering the school and firing blanks while your teachers pretend to fall down dead…yeah, lots of parents are worried about this constantly.

    1. JESUS does that really happen in schools? My daughter has ‘lockdown’ drills where they have to hide and be really quiet, but nothing where the police get involved.

      And I would say re: the book, it’s more like jumpy mom thoughts, the stream of consciousness isn’t too hard to follow once you get into the rhythm of it.

  2. Congrats on finishing this one – I can see where it would be the one that might tempt you past your anti-chunkster tendencies. I read her debut novel and quite liked it and I dabbled in this one but I’m not sure if I’ll return to it (it was a library copy and this definitely is not a book to read from the library). Does it make you curious about her earlier writing, or do you feel like this is THE book of hers that you would connect to and you’re fine to leave it there?

    1. Honestly, I just read it because I didn’t want to be left out LOL Will I actively seek out more of her books? Probably not, unless there’s lots of buzz about her next one again.

    2. Fair enough. After all, you’ve read the equivalent of three or four at this point, eh? :)

    3. I wish Goodreads understood haha it keeps reminding me I’m behind in my goal for the year :)

  3. The mother’s rambling thoughts is the reason I want to read this book. I just know it’s going to feel very familiar!
    High five for reading such a chunkster! I bought it so I wouldn’t have to worry about library due dates, but haven’t started it yet. Who knows when that will happen…

    1. It sounds like that’s why alot of people are reading the book rather than getting it out of a library. Perhaps a new sales strategy for authors! haha

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