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  1. These look lovely! And I’ve been interested in children’s books recently so I will check out the first and third but honestly I think I’m too old for anything to help my fear of bugs :)

  2. I love Alcantara’s art style. The images are a bit cartoony, but have depth and shading that I don’t always see in picture books. The style reminds me of something I would see in a museum. Perhaps your older kid would be interested in making a super simple soup to give cooking a try? Whether boy or girl, I’m a big believer of getting all children in the kitchen as soon as they can walk, talk, and follow basic instructions. I think I told you about my niece when she was three and would say, “Yes, chef!” after I gave her instructions, lol.

    1. It’s funny because Ava actually loves cooking, which is why I don’t really believe her “too much cooking” excuse when it comes to this book LOL

    2. I never knew your daughter’s name <3 Maybe because the book doesn't have unicorns farting cupcakes and dragons eating tacos, the food seems too foody.

  3. I like the look of the one about bees… so important to stress that news are necessary for the world! My son is pretty scared of most insects so I talk a lot about how some of them are helpful to humans and some are helpful to animals. I hope it sinks in!

  4. I grant you that bees serve a purpose in life and therefore we should love and cherish them. But go on, tell me what possible purpose there is for earwigs! I’m with your husband on this one…

    1. Well, they’re omnivores and they eat other insects, so maybe that’s a plus, depending how you feel generally about the insect world?

  5. I love the idea of a story about a tortoise named Boris. I’m not sure I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the perfect name for a tortoise in a story, which is just as well, because now I think the perfect name IS Boris.

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