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  1. Imagine all the reading you could be doing while you’re avidly lurking on Twitter. LOL It’s terrific that you’ve been so fortunate and that you feel your bookblog is a saving grace and creative outlet. Given that we both read a lot of Canadian writers, and that I’ve read about a hundred of them this year, I’m surprised there’s not very much overlap in our reading lists (about a dozen books, I think) and that much of that overlap isn’t actually CanLit (Taddeo, Jackson, etc.). Do you track your reading mainly for your blog, or do you keep a spreadsheet or list or notebook beyond this blog?

    1. I track my reading in two different places (because apparently I like being complicated); goodreads, and a notebook. One of the main reasons I like to track it is because i just want to end up with a big list of all the books I’ve ever read in my lifetime. Maybe I’ll take it to the grave with me hahaah

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