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  1. I could totally read a whole book about Rowena, lol. I don’t think this one is for me, though, because I can’t stand the trope of woman-from-big-city-forgets-who-she-is-but-returns-to-her-small-town-and-falls-in-love-with-cute-country-boy. No, thank you. She’s always worked so damn hard for that city job! She loves that city job and her friends and the cute bodega she goes to every day, that sort of thing. And this guy? He’s never a “country boy.” He’s always like a secret artist who carves statues made out of wood that no one has ever seen before, or secretly has published 30 books of love poems. Get home, girl! The city Wi-Fi is waiting for you!

    1. BAHAHAH yes, you are right, the entire time I was reading it, I felt like-is Hallmark going to make a movie of this? LOL

  2. Thank goodness for books that let us go where we want to virtually even when can’t go there actually! And no laundry to unpack when we get home…

  3. I don’t know…I spend a lot of time at the beach and these types of things never happen to me! Maybe I should go to Florida…

  4. The way I feel about that metallic pink lettering is the way I feel about girls who used to dot their i’s with little, lop-sided hearts. And if you tell me, now, that you dot your i’s like that, I’m not sure we can still be friends…

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