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  1. The reason I haven’t read her books is because the story of twenty-somethings incapable of sticking to something, even a committing to or terminating a relationship, drives me kind of bonkers. However, Bill @ The Australian Legend, a trucker in his 60s born and raised in Australia, really stands by Normal People as an amazing achievement of fiction.

    1. I’m actually quite shocked when I hear how far reaching her fiction can be. Even though she writes about the same things over and over, she really does nail this idea of a human experience (for middle class people)

  2. That is special that you got the change to read all three of her novels back to back. I’m sure it gave you a special insight into her writing. I’ve never read her before and I’m not sure why. I guess they just haven’t called me (yet?) But you are making a good case for reading her.

    1. I did really enjoy being able to read all her novels, it gave me a different appreciation for her writing than I’m sure I would have had if I had just read one on it’s own. I rarely have the time and books handy to do that, but it’s definitely fun!

    2. I haven’t read any of these yet, and don’t usually feel like reading about young people falling in love with each other. But I might try Normal People, so I can watch the mini series after! Likely, after I read one, I’ll want to read the rest. Lol

  3. Interesting that you’ve come out of bingeing on them, unsure whether you’re part of her target audience, but still enjoyed them. Myself, I’m not convinced that she sees herself as having a target audience; I think she writes what she’s compelled to write about and readers interested in the gritty ins-and-outs of relationships between people who are still finding out who they are as individuals (let alone in intimate relationships), no matter the readers’ age, will be pulled into these stories. People do seem divided on which of the two earlier books they prefer, though–decidedly so, which I think is so curious because there are so many similarities. I’m not in a rush for the third but will probably take a look at some point….TMBTLT

    1. I just felt so….old reading them. I have never come across another author who made me feel that way actually. Not sure what that says about me…

  4. Oh you MUST watch the miniseries. It’s great. It actually made me feel like I didn’t need to read the book, it was so effective. Conversations with Friends actually sounds the more interesting to me, if I ever get around to reading her!

    1. Conversations with Friends is a great read too, but again, made me feel so old because the man she has an affair with is only 32 but they seem to be described as a middle aged couple LOL

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