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  1. I have this in my stack, so I appreciate the heads up. From everything else you say, though, it sounds worth reading!

    1. Yes it’s good to be aware of, but once I sort of understood it was coming to an end I could push through

  2. I understand the argument you’re making, that readers should go into this with their eyes open. But I also think there’s something to be said for the alternative: sometimes stumbling into a surprise turn in the story like this, seeing someone else make a series of decisions that leads to unexpectedly dark outcomes, can help readers recognise patterns of behaviour in their own lives and a jolt can serve as an inspiration. Both routes can be effective, I think.

    1. hmmm that’s a really nice thought actually – and one of the reasons I love reading. I just think that this in particular, could be quite triggering for some people, I’m lucky I don’t have any experiences of abuse in my past…

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