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  1. “Why do I care if one or two people fall off a mountain if they’re all awful anyway?” LOL, and this is why I like you so much. If someone would be so bold to write thriller novellas, I would probably read thrillers more often. Instead, they typically seem bloated and just draaaag. Ruth Ware is the worst about this, even though I enjoy most of her books’ plots.

    1. I totally agree, thriller novels are too long for how flimsy the plots are getting! Thriller novellas is a brilliant idea!!!!

    2. I remember way back when, FictionFan recommended The Lodger by Marie Belloc Lowndes, and that was just a wonderful thriller novella. I ended up reading and reviewing it and getting a few other folks to read it, too! The audiobook is really good.

    3. I know she loves that one, and I’ve been meaning to read it too, it’s always stuck in my mind as one of those ‘must reads eventually’ hahah

    4. Ugh I can’t get on board with audiobooks, I love my paper format too much. But I’d like to try to get it from the library…

  2. Oof. I’ve read thrillers like this where the only real reason I continue with the book is that I want to find out the resolution. Usually about once a year. It seems like there’s a never ending supply of these!

  3. “it’s a book about some terrible people doing terrible things to each other – what fun!” Haha, yep, we readers are a strange bunch! ;)

  4. Our family hikes a lot too and I think it would bother me too much to read about people who are hiking in an ill-equipped manner. Like, do they have a First Aid kit? Have they told anyone else where they’re going? Going on a trip with someone else when you’re sleeping with their spouse also seems like a bad idea…

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