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  1. Coincidentally I just picked up a copy of this from the library. If I knew, then I’d forgotten, about the multiple perspectives: one of my favourite techniques in fiction. Sounds like you enjoyed that too!
    Phew, this time of year there are SO MANY GOOD BOOKS TO READ.

  2. I remember you enjoyed that really long novel, Duck something….. it has perspectives from wolves, or a wolf, if I remember correctly. I’m currently reading a book that has 6 distinct perspectives, and I thought I would hate it, but the author relies on horror tropes to distinguish each, and that helps.

    1. Wow you have a really good memory, I don’t even remember that wolf book you are referencing. Unless you’re talking about Ducks, Newberyport? Although I really don’t remember it having a wolf’s perspective LOL

    2. I have a terrible memory for books. There probably was a wolf in it and I just don’t remember. That entire book is a weird blur for me now

    1. It’s really hard. I usually do a 22/8 split for fiction/nonfiction. I have to try and divine what I think the committee will order for us, so that I don’t waste a pick on those, and what I know my regular patrons read, plus trying to get diverse authorship, plus trying to get something from every genre… it’s a real challenge! It takes me 3-4 days usually. This is from the list they send us every month of forthcoming titles.

    2. I find it hard choosing what book I’m going to read next, so no doubt this is like that with way more pressure haha

  3. I’ve recently read ‘scratching river’ by Michelle Porter. A memoir about the journey’s and life that her and her ancestors took and the linking it to the rivers. Very beautiful but also confusing at times with the different perspectives -sounds very similar to this book.

    1. No doubt people will be seeking out more of Michelle Porter’s earlier work based on the success of this novel – good to know she has a style :)

    2. I’ve got this one out from the library right now and I’m looking forward to it. I love a book with multiple perspectives!

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