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  1. Yes, I often find in books with this kind of shifting from character to character that I’d really prefer to spend more time with just a few of them. Smoking scorpions?? I am equally intrigued and appalled!

  2. Of course I love the idea of the rooster as you’ve described it! And I always know that you’re going to find books with lots of povs in them annoying, but I also know that they’re likely to suit me just fine.

    1. Gosh, I really need to learn this about myself, don’t I? Too many POVs ruin it for me, but that’s, as you mentioned, just a preference :)

  3. If I’m going to read a book with quirky characters, I want the setting to be absolutely important. Their lives should immerse me in place because they are all so different. I had a similar experience with a memoir in which the family is Pakistani, and their personalities highlight what Pakistan has to offer and what it lacks.

  4. The setting is in an area of Kabul, Afghanistan called Wazirabad – this is where the author grew up.

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