Category: Thriller.

Book Review: The Next Girl by Pip Drysdale

Book Review: The Next Girl by Pip Drysdale

This book was originally sent to me by the publisher, Simon and Schuster Canada, for review early last year. I set it on my shelf and promptly forgot about it, as there is no shortage of domestic thrillers to choose from right now. But a few months ago, I was chatting...
Book Review: None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

Book Review: None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

For someone who enjoys reading thrillers as much as I do, some may be surprised to hear this is my first Lisa Jewell book. She’s a mega author in the UK having written 21 books and selling over 10 million copies worldwide, so I thought this would be the perfect...
Book Review: Gull Island by Anna Porter

Book Review: Gull Island by Anna Porter

For those intimately familiar with Canadian Publishing and its history, the name Anna Porter will likely ring a bell. She started a publishing house that was quite successful for awhile, Key Porter Books, which was then bought out by another publishing house,...
Book Review: Magpie by Elizabeth Day

Book Review: Magpie by Elizabeth Day

A trigger warning before I launch into this review; for those who have struggled with getting pregnant, give this novel a pass. Magpie by Elizabeth Day is a domestic thriller with a shocking plot twist, but it also offers an incredibly detailed and realistic...
Book Review: Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

Book Review: Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

There’s been lots of hype around this latest book by Liz Nugent. I read her first novel a few years ago and found it sufficiently creepy, so I was happy to give Strange Sally Diamond a try when it was sent my way. A few books into their career I find many...
Book Review: The Whispers by Ashley Audrain

Book Review: The Whispers by Ashley Audrain

When a colleague of mine mentioned that she had raced through Ashley Audrain’s latest book The Whispers, I asked if I could borrow it to read myself. I rarely read books that aren’t my own, simply because I have a shelf bursting with books I already...