Category: Short Story Collections.

Book Review: The Virago Book of Witches by Shahrukh Husain

Book Review: The Virago Book of Witches by Shahrukh Husain

To finish up my Halloween reading streak, I finished the The Virago Book of Witches by Shahrukh Husain this past weekend. Not likely a book you are supposed to read straight through in a few days (although that’s what I did), it offers over 50 stories about...
Book Review: Homebodies by Amy LeBlanc

Book Review: Homebodies by Amy LeBlanc

I saw a brief mention of the short story collection Homebodies by Amy LeBlanc somewhere online, and I decided I just HAD to read it for my spooky October reading series. It’s harder to find Halloween-themed books by small or independent presses, so I’m...
Book Review: Night Watch, The Vet Suite by Gillian Wigmore

Book Review: Night Watch, The Vet Suite by Gillian Wigmore

When this book arrived on my doorstep for review, I remember getting excited about its unique premise; Night Watch: The Vet Suite by Gillian Wigmore is a collection of 3 novellas all about rural veterinarians. I promptly forgot about it for 2 years, but finally picked...