Books I’ve Read in 2020

Books I’ve Read in 2020

What to say about this past year that hasn’t already been said? As an avid twitter lurker, I’ve seen mostly negative things written about these past 12 months, and it’s no secret why this was the worst year of many people’s lives. My family has muddled through these times with a little less grace than…

Books Ive Read in 2016

Books Ive Read in 2016

This tends to be a very long and boring post for me to write but I feel the need to publish it anyway, simply because I’m proud of all the books I read in a year. It’s also nice to look back and see what I’ve been thinking about, because the topics raised in my…

Books Ive Read in 2014

Well here it is again, my annual list of what i’ve read in the past year. You will notice I read 61 books in 2014: 4 less than I did last year. I shudder to think how little I’m going to read in 2015… For many people, reading 61 books in a year seems like…

Books Ive Read in 2013

For those of you who followed my dalliances into blogging while I was at WordFest,  you will recognize this list of mine. It’s a record of every book I read this year, in order of reading. Not the most exciting post I’ve ever made, but I find that people are interested in this nonetheless, so…