Wordfest 2018 Recap!

Wordfest 2018 Recap!

Wordfest ended just a few days ago, and I’m still buzzing from all the bookish excitement! For those who don’t visit my blog regularly, Wordfest is my local literary organization that I once worked for, and now that I’m a full-time Mom, I run a book club with them called We’ve Read This. On top…

Chillin’ with Hal Wake, Artistic Director of the Vancouver Writers Fest

Chillin’ with Hal Wake, Artistic Director of the Vancouver Writers Fest

I’d like to introduce the first edition of my new interview segment. I’ve chosen the wonderful and talented Hal Wake, Artistic Director of the Vancouver Writers Fest as the lucky interviewee, because he’s done amazing things for the Canadian publishing industry, plus he’s alot of fun to talk to. He’s game for just about anything,…