Liebster Award

Last week, Elsie Ohem, who I’ve never met but will be continually grateful to, nominated me for the Liebster Award. I have no idea what this award is, but I’m so honoured to be nominated for ANYTHING that I will gladly participate in this chain-letter type thing that comes along with a nomination. As I…

Book Event: Back to (Writing) School with Author Ian Williams

Last night at the Barley Mill Pub in Eau Claire, I had the pleasure of attending another successful and educational Writers Guild of Alberta event. Recently named University of Calgary writer-in-residence Ian Williams gave a thought-provoking yet still entertaining presentation on writing. Although I don’t consider myself a formal writer,  he still gave me some…

Literary Pun Names for Cats

BuzzFeed, you have done it again!!! You’ve taken two of my most favourite things-books and cats-and mashed them together to create a wonderful list of literary pun names for cats. Why is this important you may ask? I counter that question with another question-how is this NOT important? I’m not sure if I’m focused on…