Alberta Literary Awards Shortlist Announced!
Oh hi there Alberta book lovers (and book lovers in general). Many of you may already be aware that the Alberta Literary Awards Shortlist was announced, but if you’re not, you can find the list of nominees here. There, now that you’re up to speed, you can decide whether to purchase your tickets or not. If you need a little help deciding, just buy them anyway, because the money is going to a good cause-the Writers Guild of Alberta!*
A little back story on the Alberta Book Awards: they’re put on each year by the Writers Guild of Alberta, and they alternate between a Calgary and Edmonton location. This year, they’re in Calgary at the Fairmont Palliser. Nice huh? I know-right? Anyway, this is where the Alberta Literary Awards are handed out, and it’s a fun, glitzy affair for all who are involved. And let’s be honest, when do writers attend glitzy affairs? Let’s just go ahead and say NEVER. Unless they’re invited to the Giller Awards, which is approximately 0.5% of the Canadian writing population, so any excuse for a party is a good one. Plus, the tickets are only $75, and that includes a delicious plated meal from the Palliser, so who can go wrong? Here’s another good reason to buy tickets-I’ll be there!!!!
The Literary Awards are a part of the Writers Guild of Alberta Annual Conference, which theme this year is “After the Flood: Alberta Writers Reunite One Year Later.” And even more exciting is the fact that I’m going to be hosting a panel about the writing life. No, I don’t consider myself a writer, but I’ve been around enough of them that I do consider myself an expert on their habits, needs, desires, etc, all of which we will be exploring in this sure-to-be a good time event.
My shameless self-promotion is at an end for now, but I’ll be posting about this over the next few weeks as we draw closer to the event dates, June 6-9, 2014. Check out the event website to see what amazing authors are going to be making their way to us here in Calgary, and get your tickets while the early bird pricing is still in effect!
*Please note, I am a tad biased when it comes to this organization. Full disclosure, I am on their Board of Directors, and I’m also the Chair of their fundraising committee.