Radio Segment: Wordfest 2016 Preview
It’s that time of year again! Thanksgiving is almost upon us, which also means Wordfest is right around the corner. Back when I worked for the festival, the falling leaves typically struck fear into my heart because it signalled the beginning of an extremely busy time for me. But now that I can enjoy the festival as a volunteer, event host and spectator I feel only excitement at the prospect of the upcoming festivities. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working there, but now that I’m not responsible for the day-to-day goings on, I can truly slow down and enjoy Wordfest for what it is: a celebration of books, literature, and words!
I gave my Wordfest preview today on the CBC’s Homestretch, and in true Anne Logan fashion, I promoted my events first and foremost. I’m honoured to be hosting both the Friday Night Showcase and Mystery/Suspense Showcase this year, so make sure to buy your tickets for those two events if you haven’t already. Once the festival week has passed I’ll be posting my reviews of each book from my two events (along with some festival pictures too!) so keep your eye out for some wordfest-y fun over the next few weeks.