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  1. It’s the discussion side of things I would be interested in anyway in a story like this. And yes, the whole thing about who can you tell? Not that I need any advice in this area – I just find it interesting. :)
    And how trusting would you have to be to say, ‘you like her? Go for it!’.

  2. Is this a book for people who like to talk about sex surgically, neutrally, after the fact, like rumination — a particularly female specialty that gives most men the jitters?

  3. I don’t think this is the book for me – I found myself sympathizing with the friend Sharon! Haha! I was thinking, but what if her friend is just deeply concerned for her and doesn’t want her to get hurt? I just can’t see how anything like this would end well, but maybe I’m just too much of a fuddy-duddy. Maybe I’m the exact person who should read this book to gain more understanding! (But really I don’t think I will.) Anyway, I enjoyed reading your review, and loved your GIFs!

  4. I followed the link from Naomi’s page about this one, and although now it’s been awhile since your post, I can’t resist adding that I feel exactly the same way about that quote. And, actually, i think that’s one of the wonders of what she does here. I don’t agree with that statement at all either, personally But I can completely see how some characters/people do. And how it’s true for them. I can feel how true it is, without believing it’s true. Isn’t that why we read?!

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