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  1. Sounds like an interesting looking into the idea of whether or not good intentions are enough. I may have to search this one out!

  2. I was laughing so hard – “Smokey, like many domestic cats is a staunch conservative” – oh my goodness – I love the cat stuff on your blog!

  3. Sounds like fun – I quite like the idea of her awareness of her own hypocrisy, because secretly I think most of us bleeding-heart liberals know we’re a bit hypocritical at times. Your right, the book really did hit home, that’s a very accurate way to describe it lol

  4. I’ve not yet read another review of this one on the blogosphere, but I’ve seen it at my library and been curious. I remember reading one of her earlier books MANY years ago when I was in a huge chick-lit phase and really liking it. I’m glad to know your thoughts on this one! I might give it a try when I’m looking for a random pick from our shelves, which I sometimes do.

  5. Very disappointed in this book . The main character was shallow and a very troubled two faced person who was not like able . Not worth the read .

    1. You weren’t the first person to say that about this book, all opinions are welcome and encouraged!

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