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  1. You’ve described my feelings about this book perfectly! I liked it despite not being a fan of fighting, the ending blew me away, and I even noticed the unusual sentence structure that you mention (and which I also assumed was supposed to be that way – to me it came across as a kind of rural dialect maybe).
    But, YES, that woman was a saint to put up with so much!

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin last week. And I will get to his book very soon. The moderator at WOTS Toronto kept referring to this type of book as “Hillbilly Noir.” Not sure if I am crazy about that term. Andrew F. Sullivan (whom The Toronto Star confused with Kevin a couple of weeks ago) is also a writer in that genre.

    1. I read Andrew’s book last year when I interviewed him for Wordfest. I can’t remember if I actually reviwed his book on my blog or not, but I liked it too. It’s a little more violent and grotesque than Hardcastle’s though, it reminded me of a freaky circus actually.

    2. “Hillbilly Noir” does sound disrespectful (and I think the people in Appalachia have already claimed it (I kid!)). I have to wonder what MMA has to do with hillbilly life. Perhaps the moderator means hillbilly justice? (confession time: I’m too familiar with the concept because I live it).

  3. I’m just off to look up ‘gitch’ in the dictionary! Smokey look like he’s had a shock – perhaps the grammar got to his inner pedant… ;)

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