Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 19

There’s alot going on in this video; I’m wearing a bathrobe, I reveal my blog branded mug, and my husband interrupts my recording. But the most important thing of note is that this is the first short story that is holiday themed-yay! And I really enjoyed it. There are major spoiler alerts in this review, be forewarned.
“Should I stay here? No?” *clomp clomp clomp* “How about here? Can I watch?” *clomp clomp clomp* Husbands are so funny. They’re supportive but then it’s like, “Dammit, Bob!” 😂
P.S. day 2 of where’s Duckie 🤔
I’ll try to find duckie in my daughter’s sheets somewhere, I need to track down all our missing ornaments before we have to pack it back up in December!
Hahaha husbands! Grrrr!!!!!
Awesome review! How did you not dive into that piece of chocolate though? 😁
I dive into it as soon as the camera is turned off :)
Oh my gosh this is such a fun idea!! I’m going to have to go back and catch up on all these advent videos I’ve missed. :)
Yah, it’s a ton of work, but only for the month of December lol
Aaron you missed your opportunity to photo bomb! So not like you. Great review, Anne. 👍🏼
Hahah true!
It *does* look like Christmas with your housecoat on! And your husband just standing there cracked me up. Exactly what mine would do. :)