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  1. O. Henry is a very famous short story writer whose work is so revered that there is a coveted prize named after him. I hope you read more of his work! He was in prison for five years and wrote using his pen name so people wouldn’t know he was connected to his crimes (embezzlement). He’s best known for the twist ending and made it famous!

    1. oh man! Thank you for this wealth of information. Did you like how I compared him to a chocolate bar? haha

  2. I’m willing to bet that Herschey kiss is long gone by now…

    Well done! I enjoyed watching your daily vids, even if I didn’t always get there on the right day! I’m going to blame the time difference… ;) Belated Merry Christmas to Smokey and Pearl… oh, and to you and your family, of course! :D

    1. Thank you! I actually still have that hershey kiss, but just because I’ve been working away on other chocolates in the meantime :) Thanks for watching!

  3. Hershey’s Kisses are uniquely associated with Christmas for me, since I always got them in my stocking as a child, and so I’ve eaten quite a lot of them this month, ha ha! That big one is intimidating! Do you cut that with a knife? :)

  4. I’m very impressed that you made it to the end! I admit that I didn’t get to watch them all, but figured I should at least watch the last one to see if you were still happy and smiling, or if you were haggard and grouchy by the end. Good to see you smiling! I really should buy the advent calander myself, but I just get so little reading time around the holidays. But I suppose I don’t *have* to read them on the right days…
    I think I have a couple of O, Henry stories around here – I should read them sometime! :)
    Happy 2018!!

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