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  1. I wonder if this book WOULD be good for young people whose families are falling apart so they feel like they’re not alone. When I was younger, I always read books that were full of perfect characters. The problem is that I never recognized the problems going on at home as a result, and it took a long time to cope as a result. As an adult, I still wonder why things aren’t perfect, which is silly to think, but also the default in my head.

  2. hmm yah, I think I’m just cynical these days and assume teenagers only go on their phones and don’t read actual books. Of course, the sales of YA series always say differently!

  3. I was just flipping through this book at the library the other day, and was very tempted to bring it home. I already had a pile going so decided not to, but think I will soon! I was actually thinking that my youngest would probably like this book. She’s drawn to troubling stories (like me!). I was also thinking it would be good for my kids to read about families that are struggling – I often feel that they take their good fortune for granted. I’m getting tired of hearing about how starving they are when they get home from school because I didn’t put enough to eat in their lunches. Sigh.
    This is a great review, btw!

  4. thank you! And I never thought of that, how useful this book would be to teach children about being thankful for what they do have. It is such a good read, I think they’d enjoy it.

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