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  1. a very interesting read as I did learn some things about the struggles or strife between French and English having been married to one from Magog Que. Generations have passed and yes they have evolved a little from their differences.

  2. I’m glad you read it, it shines a light on an oft-hidden part of our Canadian past that deserves so much more attention!

  3. I grew up in Cornwall and attended St. Lawrence High School 1969 – 1973. Anglophones & Francophones studied just fine together. There were only a handful of Separatists in this small community of 48 thousand, however they were influential Professionals. “Frog Power,” as it was referred to took hold, much to our chagrin. Our High School was segregated into a Shift System. We were forcibly Separated.
    It was a terrible situation given that the majority of students were bilingual.

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