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  1. Did you actually read during labour? I’m impressed! I brought 3 books with me when I had my first and didn’t read one word! The second time I brought Bellevue Square and read a little bit in the night after she was born. It wasn’t a great hospital read though, haha!

    1. oh gosh Bellevue Square would be the worst hospital read haha

      No didn’t read during labour, just afterwards while recovering :)

  2. I’m not really familiar with Murder She Wrote, but my husband has mentioned it several times, so I’m assuming that he may be watched it on TV when he was growing up. So, did this start with a show or did it start with books, and are the books based on the show? I think that’s what you were asking? I’m really glad that this book was a comfort to you while you were in the hospital. Do you catch yourself reading it aloud to baby Arthur and your daughter? I don’t know her name (sorry)!

    1. Daughter’s name is Ava! And no, I only read out loud to them when it’s their books, because the pictures are really what interests them right now.

      Murder She Wrote started with the show, then the books came long afterwards (or maybe during?). MSW had a long run, like 12 seasons or something.

  3. It’s good to hear people like the books so much. I’m a huge fan of the show (even started an episode trivia guide for it on my mystery-themed blog), but I’ve never read any of the books — although I keep seeing them whenever I visit the library. Given your review, and some of the comments here, I’m gonna give them a shot!

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