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  1. From what I can tell, Smokey hasn’t peed outside of the litter boxes once! So yes, probably territorial-yikes.

    Yes, you spotted that did you? I’m drowning in review copies right now, and I can’t really read any of them because I’m doing a bunch of author interviews for Wordfest this October so I’ve been reading those books instead! All the publishers probably want to kill me LOL

  2. Woops. Just remember you’re doing it all for free (likely).

    I’m glad Smokey feels better. We had two cats we loved, but when one proved she would have diarrhea forever and I couldn’t hang with that, she had to go. Our current Kitty got about 100% happier. I learned from a cat guy on TV (Jackson Galaxy) that often cats don’t want friends in the same space, but humans want cats to have friends because they worry about their pets (or just want more animals). Pets are challenging!

  3. I could never get into AMS’s series, but I’m not really a series kind of reader. Maybe I should try a stand-alone!

    We had two guinea pigs who had never been apart for 5 years, and I thought for sure that when one went, the other would soon follow. But not at all! Moonbeam died over a year ago, and Fudge is still going. He didn’t even seem to need an adjustment period. I know guinea pigs have small brains, but still… :)

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