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  1. I hadn’t thought of seasonal picture books helping with changing time, but now that you mention it, kids have a hard time comprehending how far away something is in time. Maybe that’s why those Christmas chains are so popular? You make 25 paper chains and rip one off each day.

    1. Ah yes, ok I know what you mean. I’ve made these back when I was kid, but I never used it to count down anything-so you just rip it when a day passes?

  2. Somehow I feel like the whole paper-chain discussion up above says so much more about the difference between the U.S. and Canada that I cannot even begin to articulate.

    Of course we made paper chains!!! We just didn’t destroy them bit by bit until they were gone gone gone. Surely this is some new kind of melting-pot/mosaic realization!?! :D

    I love your observation about these books containing lessons for people of all ages. Maybe I will start taking picture books on the subway!

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