2018 Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 7
So kind of a weird story today. In fact, it’s not even really a story, but I felt like I had somewhat insightful comments on it nonetheless.
Whoa, where does the time go? Turns out I didn’t get my tooth pulled today, but my excuse for not posting yesterday is still legit, I was indeed filming a few television segments! More on that later, but in the meantime, enjoy these videos, where the last one includes my kid hacking in the background……
Because I posted a picture book review yesterday, I thought I would double up on SSAC2018 videos today instead. So, below are Day 18 and 19 of my short story advent calendar project. About this time of month I start to question why I take on a project this time consuming in the busiest month…
I love reading short stories, and because they’re not as popular as they deserve to be, I’m always taking advantage of a little air time to talk about how great they are. You can click here to listen to my latest segment on CBC’s Homestretch. For those of you who listened to my radio spots…
Can I get a hurrah for linked short story collections? Frying Plantain by Zalika Reid-Benta is a quiet yet decisive book that doesn’t gloss over the first and second generation immigrant experience in Canada. And instead of getting a disjointed look at these experiences through a raft of different characters, we follow one person, Kara…
There’s alot going on in this video; I’m wearing a bathrobe, I reveal my blog branded mug, and my husband interrupts my recording. But the most important thing of note is that this is the first short story that is holiday themed-yay! And I really enjoyed it. There are major spoiler alerts in this review,…
My cold is slowly getting better, and to help speed things along and make my video more ‘viewable’, I’ve put on a bit more make-up today. Normally I’m not a big make-up person, but since I’ve started posting these advent youtube videos all these make-up advent calendar videos pop up on the side of my…
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hahah yes it’s got a particular ring to it, doesn’t it?