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  1. Great review! It is hard to summarize short story collections. I have quite a few collections on my shelf at home now and I really need to start delving into some of them this year.

    1. You can always try reading one story every days or something then keep another novel on the go-I found that tactic has helped me sometimes.

  2. I love these stories for the same reasons as you – the details of ordinary life. Who needs plot when we’ve got writers like Lisa Moore?
    Yes, those scenes at the grocery store! I could feel the cold air every time the door slid open.

  3. I don’t know Lisa Moore at all – not even the name! These do sound good but since on the whole I prefer novels to short stories, which of her novels have you enjoyed?

  4. “Lovers with the…” was one of my favourites too. But it’s hard to choose favourites with her stuff, because mostly what I love is her view on the world, the kinds of details (as you’ve mentioned) which comes through in the work in general.

    I’d probably suggest February too, because I just love that one. But I wonder if Caught might not suit a lot of readers too, because it’s a little more plot-driven but still resides in character. How DOES she do that?! :)

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