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  1. I”m not sure I have a grasp of the style of writing here: I feel like it must be more investigating and weigh-the-evidence-y given what you’ve said about the first 3/4 of it. But the idea of it feeling like a whole bunch of gossip makes it seem like something else. (Not that I don’t believe there is value in “talk” – I think a lot of important information gets dismissed as gossip when it’s problematic for one reason or another.) Funny that you see a book’s appearance in Costco as a positive. It seems like the kiss of I’ll-never-read-that-book to me! LOL (But I know that I *do* read some of those books – I just don’t know they’re sold there.)

  2. I’m actually surprised at what I see at Costco these days. No small presses sadly (although maybe sometimes, and I’m just not there enough) but their book buying now DRIVES our Canadian bestseller lists!

    It’s gossip with proof behind it I guess? You can tell Ronan was so careful to get back-up for everything he claimed, b/c people were so cagey about this topic in the first place

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